The Todo tab contains a prioritized list of Todo items.

Each Todo has these key fields:

Title - any text

Priority - usually one letter followed by one number, e.g. A1, A2, B1, B2

Due date - shown as 2 digit month month + 2 digit day, e.g. 05-01 for May 1st. The Due Date does also contain a year value, visible on the details dialog.

Additional details are editable via the Entry menu > Edit Details command. Todo items also contain a hidden Memo field which can be used for related notes. Use the Entry menu > Edit as Note command to edit this Memo field.

Todo entries can be automatically scheduled on their due date to a specific time, if the "Automatically" box is checked for the entry. For the autoscheduler to schedule an entry, the entry must already have a Due Date. This feature can be turned off in the Options menu > Edit Preferences dialog.


You can open the Todo tab at any time by pressing Ctrl+2.